Saturday 5 January 2013

Assume nothing

So the lesson I had this week was to assume NOTHING! it makes an ASS out of U and ME!

I say this as on day 3 I used my Rosemary Conley pots to measure my uncooked pasta - I had it in my head this measured 100cal of pasta and cooked 2 pots worth for my lunch.

Past cooked I decided for future reference to weigh it so when I do a bulk batch I know how much weight equals 100cals

On weight my 2 pots of pasta I discovered it weighed exactly 200g at this point the cogs started turning.....perhaps I had got it wrong and the pots measured weight as opposed to cals....My lunch looked good so off I went and ate my lunch.

Sitting on the sofa stuffed better than a bear factory bear I input the calories - what I assumed would be 200 cals turned out to be a whopping 294 cals.

Having set the tone for the rest of the day continued to overate by 400 cals - snacking on nuts and tomato soup with 2 crackers. That said 400 cals on the scheme of things isn't all that bad. In the past I would have eaten well in excess of 1000cals being in a mood. It's all about re-education and pinpointing triggers and then setting to change these habits.

Day 3 has since come to an end and the ------------------------------- has been drawn. Day 4 went really well and I stuck to the plan.

Not being able to sleep this morning I decided to have a sneaky peak on the scales (I say that like I've not been on them every hour for the past four days!!!!!) ......Official weigh is in 3 days so I will keep stum until then but I can tell you I am a happy bunny.

Thursday 3 January 2013

Expecting Miracles

So day one went really well - I just sneaked two mints but on the scheme of things that's brilliant for me and yes I do realise I am only cheating myself.

I have titled this page expecting miracles because I have today weighed myself (probably about 15 times in total) and the scales have not moved - I have to remind myself however that it is only day two and my weight had probably not included the packet of buiscuits, haribos, quiche, bread and chips I consumed on my final day of binge eating.

That said, I have measured myself today with my Rosemary Conley magic tape and I have lost nearly 4 inches....So maybe miracles do happen afterall.


In the last two days I have walked an additional 110 minutes < this is in addition to my normal steps for everyday life.

So far I'm staying true to my resolution I just wish I could bottle up the motivation I have for any moment of weakness I may face.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Day 1

Today started with a lovely breakfast of fruit, yogurt and 10g of bran flakes.

It tasted better than it looks. My 5 year old put them in our glasses after carefully weighing everything.

Lunch has consisted of 2 Tesco low fat sausages an egg and half a tin of spaghetti hoops as I have no tinned tomatoes it was yummy but I have to be honest Im a little bit munchy so Im off for a glass of water to see if the myth works.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Week 1 - stereotype

Today is the day when we are supposed to kick start our diets because media hype and retailers tells us to. I went to Tescos yesterday and they had nicely placed a freezer of Weight Watchers meals right in everyones line of sight.

I'm not normally a new year resolution kind of girl but this year I decided to give it a try - after all the previous years of non resolution setting has not made me slim its not hard to set a goal its just hard to achieve it.

I have decided that 2013 is going to be MY year - sorry to steal it from everyone.

So this is how its going to work. I am going to loose lots of weight this year and feel healthy. I'm not committing myself to a figure just yet as I have no clue as to what I want my ideal weight to be but being morbidly obsese there's pleanty of room for negotiation.

Well I have never put a picture of me like this on a website or my weight and measurements I have tried to be private about it but I think the only way is to shame myself in to getting rid of the lbs so....THE STATS ARE IN.....

So I did the whole measuring and taking the before pictures today which as you can see is not a pretty sight.

Bust - a whooping 50"

Hips - 46"

Wasit - 46"

Widest part - 54" (I have a bigger waist than the hairy bikers :-0 )

Right thigh - 22"

Left thigh -22"

Right arm - 16"

Left arm - 16"

Right knee - 22"

Left knee - 23"

Starting weight - 16 st 4 lbs

As I decided to start my healthy eating tomorrow I decided to have one last binge. I feel sooooo ill it's unreal my belly hurts and I feel sick.

So here goes - day one starts tommorrow let the journey begin.......